
An update on the status of 1.5.svn. Nice work, guys - we are down to just 2 known show-stoppers for a test release:

- Selection with the mouse. Does not work in math nor in tables. It works in all footnotes, floats & notes and miniboxes, even when nested. To reproduce, make a formula or a table, type some text and try to select it with the mouse. Anybody have any leads?

- In math the cursor blinks at the start of the math inset and then seems to go the correct place afterwards. There was a patch from Peter which does the trick by disabling immediate cursor updates when typing. This is an improvement all in all and therefore should go in with a comment about why. Better would be to change it such that the instant cursor update remains in text, but not in math. That would make it releasable in my book.

Show-stopper for 1.5 final, but not for a test-release:

- LaTeX Encoding: UTF-8 support. Should supposedly be easy if you know how to do this, which is why I suggest to make it a show-stopper. Let's hope Georg finds the time somehow, but I do not think this should block a test-release.

- Nice icons on change tracking toolbar.

Things off the radar for now:

- Fix math parser problems with sin x and friends. Patch prepared, and reviewed.

- Table toolbar in menu problem. (Peter reported missing the drag-able table insertion gadget, but that exists in the toolbar. Is that not good enough?)

- Various crashes with multiple views.

What is the status on the change tracking? Except for icons, is that work complete for now?

Any other pending patches that would be good to have in a test release?

There are performance problems on Mac. I suggest that Mac users either work with small windows, big fonts or wait until we have partial refresh one way or another. Personally, I think such a change is too big to allow in 1.5.0, unless someone does it very, very soon.


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