Bo Peng wrote:
Dear all,

Attached patch re-organize the bookmarks feature.


1. change related menu items to
   save-bookmark 1 (add a bookmark)
   Bookmarks:  auto-expanded bookmark list
2. Bookmarks are saved/handled in session.h/C. saved_positions is
removed from BufferView.h/C.

Please rename that to moveCursor() instead of restorePosition() as this could be used for something else than the bookmark feature.

3. LFUN_BOOKMARK_SAVE stays in BufferView.C

It makes sense yes.

4. LFUN_BOOKMARK_GOTO moves to lyxfunc.C. It is available even if
there is no opened documents.


PROBLEMS (Please help):

1. a strange bug in MenuBackends. If I change return to break (see
patch), I will get a TOC after Bookmarks. I am out of idea now.

I think this is because expandFormats() is called recursively or something like that. JMarc will know.

2. To keep saved_positions[0], I have to add temp_bookmark in the
BookmarkSection class. This makes the code ugly but I have no better
idea. Note that bookmarks is now a deque so I can not use the first
item as saved_position[0].

Why don't you create a new LFUN for that instead of misusing the bookmark stuff? Then you could also use the (renamed) moveCursor().

3. I see Assertion failed: lyx_view_->buffer()->fileName() !=
bm.filename void lyx::LyXFunc::dispatch(const lyx::FuncRequest&)
src/lyxfunc.C 1679 when lyx exits. No idea what is going on.

Maybe because lyx_view_ is set to zero when exiting. You have to save the stuff before the effective exiting procedure is started. We can fix that later if you want.


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