
More bugs are being reported recently, and none of the old ones have been fixed. Thus, we are moving in the wrong direction.

Showstoppers without hope:
- Selection with the mouse. Does not work in math nor in tables. It kind of works in insets, although problems have been reported with this as well. To reproduce, make a formula or a table, type some text and try to select it with the mouse. We need a volunteer to investigate this.

- Crashes with multiple windows open. It seems that Buffer contains Rows of paragraphs, and this is no good in a multiple view setting. Options: a) Rework Buffer to not have Rows (big change, risky), b) Disable multiple views completely for now, c) Disable multiple views of same document only. Seems to me option C would be safe and still provide some benefit to the user.

- Cursor trouble: Full refresh on each blink. Abdel says it's a lot of work to fix this without the pixamp. Options a) Spend that time, b) Revert to old painting scheme. Given that the removal of the pixmap did not give us any noticable speed-up, I think we should revert this change which was done the last Monday of the meeting.

Showstoppers with hope:

- In math the cursor blinks at the start of the math inset and then seems to go the correct place afterwards. I suggest that Peter's patch which disables immediate cursor updates is applied, unless someone can track down the bug in the math code.

Other problems without hope:

- Mac is unusable because of poor performance, among other things. Options: a) Revert commit from 14th of July which disabled partial refresh. This is a little dangerous, since it is known that this might cause invalid coord cache entries. b) Do a), but also implement partial coord cache refresh to make it safe. c) Implement a caching painting scheme, such that only changed paint requests are done.

- No UTF-8 support in LaTeX export.

- Nice icons in change tracking missing.

Other problems with hope:
- Copy/paste using middle mouse button inserts musical notes.

- Branches are not unicode clean. Reported by Helge.

- URLs in documents causes LaTeX error. Reported by Helge.

Change tracking is being worked on, and will be done before the 14th.

The tab bar work is settling down. I think all other pending patches have all been applied, but it's difficult to keep track off.

We have a bunch of problems without any hope. At the same time, people are getting too busy to work on LyX.

So, the future does not look too bright for LyX. In other words, we are back in deep shit again.

Therefore, I would suggest to freeze the code even more until progress has been made on the hopeless showstoppers. We have some difficult problems to solve, and those will require a concentrated effort to nail.

The positive side to this is that each person who conquers a hopeless showstopper is instantly a hero.


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