>>>             if (sel.empty()) {
>>> -                   const int old_pos = cur.pos();
>>>                     cur.insert(new InsetMathHull(hullSimple));
>>>                     BOOST_ASSERT(old_pos == cur.pos());
>>>                     cur.nextInset()->edit(cur, true);

>> old_pos is not unused as can be seen two lines below the deleted one.

> Problem is that MSVC gives a warning for unused variable
> when compiling in release mode (with assertion disabled).
> CMake now treats these warning as errors.

That's the wrong fix. Use

        const int old_pos = cur.pos();
+       (void)old_pos;

        const int old_pos = cur.pos();
+       // I forget the exact name but it should be discoverable...
+       boost::unused_variable(old_pos);

to trick the compiler.


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