Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I was a little scared  by the changes found in development/FORMAT, and
> > I'm starting to think that it would be easier to parse the generated
> > TeX directly.

> Definitely not. Proper TeX parsing is a nightmare.

That's surely true. But it (TeX) is a stable target, so if *someone* has 
written a *good* TeX parser that you can leverage, I'd recommend you use that. 
For example, if you were using Python rather than Ruby, you might consider 
leveraging plastex ( If, however, no such 
parser currently exists, then I would *not* recommend that you go that route. 
It would be much easier to parse LyX format directly and to do as lyx2lyx does 
and add modules to "upgrade" to the latest format as it changes.

Note that the "big idea" for the next version of LyX (the 1.6 development 
series) is to switch to an XML file format which would ease your task 


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