
invoking "accept/reject all changes" accidentally can be a nightmare, because you have to run "undo" as often as there are different changes in the document.

The technical reason for this is that these LFUNs iteratively look for the next change in the document and accept/reject each of them individually.

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with LyX's undo/redo mechanism. Two solutions come to my mind:

1. Select the complete document; accept the complete selection (i.e. document) in one step
    Pros: simple to implement
Cons: may be slow; may be memory-consuming (depends on how undo is implemented); the cursor is set to the beginning of the document

2. Optimize 1: Find the first and last paragraph that contains a change; select this part of the document; accept the selection

Undo/redo gurus: Is there a better approach? Is there some kind of undo grouping concept that can be used in this case?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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