Am Dienstag, 16. Januar 2007 20:36 schrieb John Levon:
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 08:11:22PM +0100, Per Olofsson wrote:
> > There is a bug filed against the latex-xft-fonts Debian package about
> > the lack of source code for it ( This
> > prevents the package from entering etch (the upcoming stable release
> > of Debian).
> > 
> > Apparently the fonts have been converted from the corresponding LaTeX
> > .pfb fonts. Does anyone know how this was done? Is it possible to
> > automate?
> I've entirely forgotten how I did it, but it definitely involved some
> manual fixing of the fonts. I used some popular open-source font editor,
> which I've also forgotten, and I had to fix some stuff up if I remember
> rightly.

You probably used fontforge (formerly called PFAEdit IIRC).

> I have no idea what "sources" they're looking for. It's like complaining
> a .jpg doesn't have sources when it's a scanned in photo.

No, it is rather like looking for the source of a jpeg that somebody 
created by manually modifying another one. This cannot be automated 

To me the ttf fonts look like a derived work of the original pfb versions. 
So, these could be considered as source, but the normal way of automated 
building from source would not work, so it would be pointless. AFAIK the 
original pfb fonts are under the LPPL, so I think the following would 

- The ttf files are considered as source technically.
- The README documents that they were converted from the .pfb files and 
polished manually after that.
- The README documents where to get the .pfb files (required by the LPPL).

IANAL, but I see no reason why this would not work.


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