Hello again,
I'm attaching to this email a .lyx file that will help you reproduce the 
conditions triggering the bug.
Have in mind that the bug seems related to some mishap while building the latex 
input while generating previews, because compiling with Ctrl+D works as 
expected, and this does not happen in every case (ie: the file I've attached is 
the original file exhibiting the bug stripped of all irrelevant context, the 
only way I found able to recreate the bug - if you start a new file and past 
\mathfrac{F}\left(F\right) inside a math environment the bug won't be 
triggered, strangely enough).

    My name is Gastón and I want to report what I think is a little bug --- but 
bug at last. When LyX "preferences / graphics / Instant preview" is on, there 
are some problems with mathematical expressions. For example,  inside math if 
you start writing using "\mathfrak" type, and then you continue writing with 
normal math font, LyX preview will show the whole formula in "mathfrak" font. 
At first I thought I  was doing something wrong, but when you close the file 
and open it again, the preview is ok. The problem appears only when you are 
typing the formula for the first time, and it remains until you close the file 
and open it again.
    Here is an example: "\mathfrak{F}\left(f\right)\left(x\right)=frak{1}{2L}" 
Paste the previous expression  inside a math and LyX will show the whole text 
in mathfrak font, although the first "F" is only in mathfrak font.
    Well, I hope I has been useful --- despite my poor english --- because LyX 
is one of the most important tool I 've found and I want it to get better as 
much as possible. The program is really fantastic, and this is a good moment to 
thank you for make it possible the use of LaTex without knowing LaTex.
    My best hopes,
    Gastón from Argentina.

  Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
  Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
  está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
  Probalo ya! 

 Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
 Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
 está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
 Probalo ya! 
  • Reporting a bug. Gastón Andrés Freire

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