Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> > \usepackage[labelfont={bf,sf}, tableposition=top]{caption}[2004/07/16]
> Done.


> > Also, user friendliness is in the eye of the beholder. A LaTeX package
> > manager is really nothing I miss on Linux.
> OK, but I think Harmut is an experienced LyXer on Linux and should
> therefore be able to install LaTeX-packages.

I think he is, but I don't know what his problems were. I admit that you have 
to get used to the installation routine, but then, it's not really a burden 
(OTOH I can understand that people like automatic package management. Just I 
don't really miss it).

> > Good, then. If it compiles with teTeX 3, it's fine with me.
> I've read that you also tested this with success, right?


> >> I'll remove the preetyref inset in the docs but cannot do this before
> >> the weekend. The removal require more work because I built in a hack
> >> because prettyref destroys some hyperref stuff. But I still dont see
> >> that this is a showstopper, see my point below.
> >
> > Hm, that's probably a bit late for 1.4.4. But Jean-Marc is to decide.
> He want to have it removed before LyX 1.4.4 comes out because he see this
> as showstopper.

Any chance to do that by Friday?

> >> You said that the prettyref support was a fault, why? Because it's not
> >> in a certain LaTeX-distro?
> >>
>  > ...
> >
> > - It's unmaintained since a long time.
> >
> > - It is unusable for language where the colon is made active (like
> > French)
> This is the point.

The problem is: we have no good alternatives yet. And just removing (as we did 
for a4[wide] is not an option here, IMO).

> regards Uwe


P.S.: Please don't get my comments as a general critique on your manual. I 
think it's very good and helpful. It's just about making it available for as 
much users as possible.

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