On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 08:36:27AM +0200, Peter Kümmel wrote:
> Taking a look at the names of the frontends/qt4 files
> -after all the renaiming- I'm a bit disappointed still
> seeing Q* and QL* classes. Q* is the name of Trolltech
> names, and we should not introduce our Q classes.
> And why do we need QL? It's like QtBasedClassUsedInLyX*
> but isn't this clear by the location of the file
> lyx-project/.../trunk/src/frontends/qt4?

The problem with those is that we get in most cases clashes
with other files in our source tree. There are two possible
solutions: Either have indeed some kind of prefix for our stuff
frontends/qt4/*, preferably something _not_ starting with 'Q',
-- or qualify all include paths and do not put -Isrc/ and
 -Isrc/frontends/* in the path at the same time. I personally
find the first option ugly and the second leads to classes
lyx::Foo and lyx::frontends::Foo, which is not really nice

So I basically run out of ideas here.


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