Hi all!

Using the weekend to work on the update of the german docs, I stepped
across some more bugs in LyX 1.1.5pre3.  Don't know wether some of them
have already been reported, nevertheless here they go:

 1 Something is strange with the tabulars.  In de_Extended.lyx I had a
   table (end of chapter that used to work the last time I
   TeXed the file.  Now it choked with "illegal unit of measure",
   obviously because I did not specify a cell width for some of the
   cells.  It seems the old format (as I understand, it has changed at
   some point) is not imported correctly.
   I tried to change the cell widths (which did work) but detected some
   more weirdness:  The table had multi line entries, and the old format
   did specify the width in all lines.  The old cell widths are still in
   the file after I changed them, but I cannot access them via the
   standard table layout dialog.  I'll attach the table definition file.

 2 something similar with the 'Floatflt' option in
   layout->paragraph->ExtraOpt: After viewing that menu in a paragraph
   where the option is set, the radio button will be activated in all
   other paragraphs, too.  The file is processed without errors, nothing
   shows up in the lyx file.

 3 Table layout dialog, entry 'width': as soon as a "valid entry" is
   typed in, any keypress will end the input, i.e. it does accept the
   entry and does a focus-out.  This is *extremely* anoying if you have
   e.g. an entry "3cm" that you want to change to "3.25cm": Typing the
   "." already throws you out of the entry field, you have to
   mouse-click to enter it again, then press "2" which throws you out

 4 The new export-selection to other applications (*very* cool BTW!):
   I am using Steak (an en<->de translation program,
   which also has a nice gtk interface.
   When I try to Mouse-2-click insert a selection I made within LyX, LyX
   crashes with a SIGSEGV.

 5 the strings ?` and !`, typed in as standard text, don't get protected
   from LaTeX and therefore appear as ¿ and ¡ in the output.

 6 and, an old one which I'm not sure of if I had reported it earlier:
   Font change within a word.  Say, I have written something,
   ".... bla bla bla....".  Now I want to insert something in front of
   the second bla, but in another font, say typewriter.  I position the
   cursor at the beginning of 'bla', type "M-c t" and start writing.
   The new text appears in tt font as requested.  If I now hit 
   "M-c Space", the whole thing is changed back to standard font.

That's it for the moment - probably more to come as I proceed :-/


Dr. Peter "Pit" Suetterlin                 http://www.astro.uu.nl/~suetter
Sterrenkundig Instituut Utrecht
Tel.: +31 (0)30 253 5225                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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