I'm not getting a crash with this, though I do see some warnings:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ ~/dev/bin/tex2lyx internal.tex

Creating file /tmp/internal.lyx
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
Warning: Could not find graphics file 'grdteach.eps'.
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
unexpected dummy size: 2 content: \hline\hline
unexpected dummy size: 2 content:
dropping extra hline
unexpected dummy size: 2 content: \hline
dropping extra hline

But looking at the backtrace, I wonder whether the problem is that
TextClass::layoutlist_ is for some reason empty or, worse,
uninitialized. It looks like that is what is triggering the assertion.
That would mean, I think, that do_readStyle (called at TextClass.cpp,
line 293) is always failing, which means that Layout::read() is always
failing. But it's hard to debug it without seeing the error....


Leuven, E. wrote:
> with attached doc.
> backtrace:
>         tex2lyx.exe!boost::assertion_failed(const char *
> expr=0x005b6c44, const char * function=0x005b6c50, const char *
> file=0x005b6cc0, long line=315)  Line 39 + 0x8 bytes   C++
>         tex2lyx.exe!boost::shared_ptr<lyx::Layout>::operator->()  Line
> 315 + 0x23 bytes C++
> >       tex2lyx.exe!lyx::TextClass::read(const lyx::support::FileName
> & filename={...}, bool merge=false)  Line 455 + 0x12 bytes        C++
>         tex2lyx.exe!lyx::parse_preamble(lyx::Parser & p={...},
> std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> > & os={...}, const
> std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > &
> forceclass="")  Line 502       C++
>         tex2lyx.exe!lyx::`anonymous
> namespace'::tex2lyx(std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char> > &
> is={...}, std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> > &
> os={...})  Line 428 + 0x3e bytes        C++
>         tex2lyx.exe!lyx::`anonymous namespace'::tex2lyx(const
> lyx::support::FileName & infilename={...},
> std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> > & os={...})  Line 462
> + 0x10 bytes    C++
>         tex2lyx.exe!lyx::tex2lyx(const
> std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > &
> infilename="C:/_projects/profs3/internal.tex", const
> lyx::support::FileName & outfilename={...})  Line 494 + 0x38 bytes   C++
>         tex2lyx.exe!main(int argc=2, char * * argv=0x003d52f8)  Line
> 554 + 0x35 bytes   C++
>         tex2lyx.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 586 + 0x19 bytes  C
>         tex2lyx.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Line 403  C
>         kernel32.dll!7c816fd7()        

Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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