On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 11:09:39AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "John" == John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John> I see the Maths dialog has been removed. Am I right in thinking
> John> that the only way to create things such as sum environments etc.
> John> without knowing LaTeX is to turn on the math panel toolbar and
> John> use that?
> Yes, this is indeed a problem of removing the panel. Note however that
> by default, the toolbar appears automatically when you create a math
> inset, so the situation is not that bad.
> John> This really needs to be available in the menus too for
> John> discoverability: it's a basic principle of toolbars that they
> John> are a quicker form of what's available in the menus, not a
> John> replacement, especially when they're not available by default.
> Agreed.
> John> I noticed that right clicking on toolbar space no longer brings
> John> up the menu of available toolbars. Is that a Qt4 thing, or
> John> intentional?
> This menu does not allow us to select the "auto" setting (actually we
> could have done that, but we did not :). The toolbars are accessible
> in View>Toolbar, though.

I think we should just set math and table toolbars to 'always on' in the
default setup. The user can always switch it off afterwards.

Right now it is really to hard to discover. Even with the knowledge that
it is a toolbar one would look in the context menu of the toolbar area.


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