Am 24.05.2007 um 23:56 schrieb Dov Feldstern:

Dov Feldstern wrote:
Stefan Schimanski wrote:

Is it a bug or a feature that the cursor does not enter insets from the right in the text? In Text::cursorLeft the checkAndActivateInset(cur, false) call comes before moving the cursor from the right. Though checkAndActivateInset expects the cursor to be left of the inset to enter. I guess that's not was is expected, right?


I'm almost certainly responsible for this --- I basically rewrote cursorLeft recently, in order to solve the crash we were having with RTL on ( However, I'm not sure I understand what the problem is? It seems to be working for me?

Please don't spend too much time. I have a working version I think here now and only workout some target_x bugs. Will probably send the patch to the list tomorrow.


Okay, I see what the issue is (I mean, I see the problem, not the solution yet ;) ). When you were saying the problem is only at the end of a line, you mean after a real newline, not just a linebreak.

I'll try to take a look at this.


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