Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>>>>>> "Micha" == Micha Feigin
>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Micha> As far as I'm concerned, right now (preferably rc2). It's very
> Micha> unobtrusive and in an external program. (we are talking about
> Micha> the fix the tex2lyx, right?)
> Micha> The last one fixes tex2lyx to work with the way that lyx seems
> Micha> to chose to work at the moment (height = 1\totalheight). It
> Micha> does what it's supposed to do under the current implementation
> Micha> when importing files with text boxes with no height (I'm
> Micha> guessing that it is the common case)
> Micha> I believe that this thing actually fixes a real bug. about the
> Micha> previous issue of being able to leave the height empty, I ran
> Micha> into a brick wall, found a work around and I don't have the
> Micha> time to dig further. I think fixing tex2lyx will solve 99% of
> Micha> the issues since inserting a new box sets it's heignt to
> Micha> 1\totalheight
> I really feel that what this is trying to fix is a bug in the qt
> dialog. I have never seen people feeling forced to add [1\totalheight]
> to their boxes.

Exactly. tex2lyx is 100% correct for parbox and minipage arguments. If you
don't believe that try to find one example where the tex->lyx->tex
roundtrip produces different output than the original. This is not possible
with 1.4. If it is possible with 1.5 then somebody introduced a bug.
The only problem the LaTeX export from LyX suffers is that it writes
optional arguments even if they are the LaTeX default (these are the only
changes you may see in the roundtrip above), but that is purely cosmetical.

Every other problem is a dialog issue.


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