I just want to add something from a users experience with math in normal text.
> > As far as I can recall, one reason that I particularly wanted this feature
> > was to enable me to see more clearly whether or not I had spaces between
> > a formula and the text following or preceding it.
> I don't think you can do mistake like this in LyX...

The described problem occoured many time to me when I had to use math mode
within regular text like a arrow, greek letter, etc. because LyX inserts a
slight space after a math inset which can be easily mistaken as a /real space/
(like the one we put between 2 words).

A similar issue but the other way round applies if you have a expanded LyX note
within your text. Sometimes it is difficult to control it and people reading the
printout don't know that there's been a Lyx note behind the space. Example:

not expanded:
My cat is here[Lyx Note].
My cat is here [because the dog is outside].

It wour be desireable if there's a warning procedure implemented in LyX. LyX can
already remove superflicous spaces (like cat  and dog => cat and dog) so it
shouldn't be too hard to add this.

Just my experinence.

P.S.: Additionally, I can say that from today I'm standing in the line with
those having written a beautiful thesis with Lyx. Just went to the final
printout and loooked all nicely. Many thanks to the dev team for your efforts
and perseverance! Now I'll have a save tryout of 1.5.x.

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