
Still playing with tables, I found usefull to change the line #1400 in
table.C from
             os << "\\parbox[t]{"
             os << "\\parbox{"
in order to obtain "centered" alignement between multiline cells and
single- ones.

This works perfectly for my purpose, but I cannot make it available to
everybody, because it implies to have the same alignement for all the
table used in a session, and to recompile the code when you want to
change the alignment !!

I tried to implement something base on a "centering parameter" (let's call
it "verticalCentering" as e.g. (bad coding):
        os << "\\parbox";       
        if (verticalCentering=="TOP") os << "[t]";      
        if (verticalCentering=="BOTTOM") os << "[b]";
        os << "{" << GetWidth.......

But the problem is now : How to set this "verticalCentering" parameter ? I
had a look at the table related Xform menus, but this is somewhat hard to
modify. So I give you the idea, (and the work too...) if you think this is
of any interest.

Ho, another multiline related question : when a Cell is multiline, you
enclose it (in TeX output), between 2 \smallskip{}; This changes the cell
height quite a lot, and prevents top alignment (and bottom' one I guess)
to work properly anyway. Do you know why these smallskip were added for,
and if they can be discarded ?

Once again, thank's for your (great) work.


 *        Alain Castera                                            *
 * LPNHE - Tour 33 RdC           | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]*
 * 4 Place Jussieu               | Telephone :     (+33) 144274187 *
 * 75252 Paris Cedex 05          | Fax :           (+33) 144274638 *
 * France                        |                                 *

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