On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 11:13:11PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Andre" == Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Andre> There is an easy solution which is, unfortunately, not easy at
> Andre> all: Do not reserve extra space for the corner markers, but
> Andre> draw the corner markers outside the space owned by the inset.
> Or replace the corners by a change of color of the inset that is
> currently edited.

Oh, no. JMarc, you too...

Please, look at how texmacs does it. This is similar to what Andrè
suggests. Draw the inset markers without reserving any space for
them but keep track of the cursor position, such as moving the
cursor may seem to not move it but simply goes from an inset to
another when they are stacked, until you are logically in the outer
inset and then you can move the cursor. The logical cursor position
may be tracked in the minibuffer, of course.

Please, no changing colours, no special effects, no eye candies...
These things may be easier to implement but are very annoying.


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