>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Schimanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stefan> Well, at the moment confirmOverwrite is set to false for the
Stefan> non- native dialog. You might question this decision and set
Stefan> it to true, and change the asksForOverwriteConfirmation then
Stefan> accordingly. But that's not matter of my patch. It's only
Stefan> about the static getSaveFileName (was it called like that,
Stefan> don't have the code here...) method used for the native
Stefan> dialog.

One can pass the following options to getSaveFileName:

 QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite Don't ask for confirmation if an
 existing file is selected. By default confirmation is requested.


(1) your patch was correct :)

(2) we could force confirmation in the non-native case too and
    simplify our code.


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