Bo Peng wrote:
> We have not done anything, and if the operators are cheap as you
> described, it is perfectly fine to me to make TocUpdate automatic.

Good, thanks.

But then it is your job to get it done. :-)

I am slowly coming back, don't ask me too much ;-)

Seriously, as we have discussed, the problem lies in 'when to update
Toc'. It is unwise to update Toc when we enter each character when
editing a caption, but there is no proper way to know 'editing is done

The proper way is to check the Buffer structure when you are editing the caption with a call to checkBufferStructure(), maybe this is already done. Then you also need to correct InsetCaption::addToToc(), the same way as you did with InsetListings. Finally, you'll have to make sure that TocBackend::updateItem() properly find the correct TocItem.

Not a lot of work but a lot of testing is required.


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