On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 09:01:49PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 05:05:32PM +0200, Stefan Schimanski wrote:
> > I did some profiling of paragraph drawing. 20% of the whole time  
> > while inserting characters and redrawing the screen was taken by  
> > Paragraph::getInset calls, each for every character. This is stupid.  
> > See the patch below for a loop iterating over the insets of a  
> > paragraph instead. O(insetnumber) instead of O(charnumber * ln  
> > insetnumber).
> > 
> > Stefan
> > 


> Good catch.  Patch is fine with me.
> [And I continue hating that wide() business ;-}]
> Andre'

Come and help rip it out from 1.6 in Bromarv... Abdel's idea is
sound and perhaps that's what I should have done in the first
place rather than this elaborate hack.

- Martin

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