Georg Baum wrote:
Richard Heck wrote:
Without any optional arguments, this script acts like did:
It copies all files in LyX's temporary directory to a subdirectory of
the target directory. But now the script takes two optional arguments:
    -e: a list of extensions to copy, by default all
    -t: an extension to add to the name of the generated target
directory, by default "LyXconv"
Why -t?
Well, -e would be better, but it was taken. 't' was for "target". I didn't have any better ideas.
The idea with the default in the latter case is simply to avoid
conflicting filenames. But if, like Uwe, you feel like being reckless
;-), you can do define your HTML copier as:
    python -e html,css,png -t . $$i $$o
and you'll export to /path/to/filename.html/. Note the use of the dot
IMHO in the long term the usual ask-overwrite mechanism should kick in if a
file with the same name as the directory already exists. Then no artificial
suffix is needed.
Yes. But copiers don't know about that at present, and it's not clear how they could.
This new patch will allow easy handling of other converters, such as
hevea (and if anyone knows what kinds of files it generates, let me
know, and I'll add the definition to You just have to say
what kinds of files to copy. Of course, in some cases, you may end up
copying more than you really needed to copy, but avoiding this is
complicated and, to my mind, not entirely necessary, as this remains an
exceptional case.
Why not assume a common set of extensions for all html converters? I guess
they are all alike.
I don't know whether that is true or not. I've checked tex4ht and latex2html, and they both seem to generate only .html, .css, and .png. But especially with image formats, it's hard to know what you might find.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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