Re Intel Mac OSX 10.4
Previous testing for both Mac and Linux done after "make" using src/lyx.
Now, after doing a "make install" on the Mac and starting the resulting, the correct characters are displayed for all palettes with the exception of the Big Operators palette for which only some work correctly while others are displayed as text strings such as "oiint". I assume this Big Operators problem might be due to some missing fonts in my system??

Hoping that the tear-off math palette feature makes it into rc2

Begin earlier message:

From: Roger Mc Murtrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 June 2007 1:36:31 PM
Cc: "E. Leuven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tear-off math panels

I have tested the tear off panels on both Linux and Mac.
Panels "tear off" when single clicked above a math palette's dashed line. There is one inconsistency between the Linux panel and the Mac panel in that the linux palette has a maximise icon whereas the Mac palette doesn't.

This is a great improvement in math functionality and usability.

I have a problem with the Mac's LyX display.
When characters are entered from a math palette, the correct symbol is not displayed, instead an English character or string is displayed. For example, the math symbol greater-than-or-equal displays as geqq.
However, View>PDF (pdflatex) does produce the correct symbols.


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