I just imported a manuscript from a Latex file that has been produced from a Document file (.doc) by exporting from OpenOffice Writer 2.2. The tex file compiles well with Latex and the outpurt is the best from all doc2tex coverters I have tried.

Lyx 1.4.4-4 imports, but the imported file cannot be viewed as PDF. Lots of complains: inmputenc error: keyboard character is undefined. I guess this can be mended. In most cases the complaint is just about some superfluous curly brackets.

Lyx 1.50rc1 does not import at all.

If somebody is interested, I can produce a minimal example next week.

The reason I am writinmg is that it would be good if tex2lyx swallows tex code produced by OpenOfficed Writer 2.2, as this seems to be the best way to work on manuscripts that are provided as doc documents (as is the case with my publisher).


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