On Jun 20, 2007, at 6:22 PM, Anders Ekberg wrote:

Richard Heck
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 14:30:21 -0700

Bennett Helm wrote:
On Jun 20, 2007, at 2:56 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
Bennett Helm wrote:
On Jun 20, 2007, at 1:54 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
1.50rc1. Under paragraph settings dialog, all alignment options always seem to be greyed out.
Did you uncheck the "Default" box?
Ah! Well, at least one reasonably intelligent somewhat experienced lyx user was confused about this interface.
Make that two: I was confused initially as well.
Any suggestions how to make it more intuitive? The change here was to include a "default" option, so that you can unset changes you'd made before. It wasn't previously clear how to do that---though the solution was, set the default, whatever that is. Is it possible that something as simple as a line separating "default" from the others would help? Or putting "DEFAULT" like that? or in bold? or...?

Is there a reason the Default box is not a radio button as the other? It is different in behaviour (since not specified), but isn't the italic font a sufficient indicator for that? Or am I missing something?

It shouldn't be a radio button just like the others, since it's not an option in the way that the others are. (Which alignment is the default varies depending on the environment, but the default will be one of left, right, centered, or justified.) It's for this reason that I haven't been able to think of anything better than how it is now, and once you see the logic of it, it does seem reasonable. The only trouble is that the logic isn't obvious.

So, to answer Richard: I don't have any good idea how to improve it. I wouldn't put in a line to separate them; that does the opposite of what you want: to indicate a link between them. Boldface doesn't seem the right sort of thing: what's wanted is a visual image that indicates that the default checkbox has a kind of priority or control over the status of the radio buttons. Perhaps, then, the radio buttons should be indented a bit underneath the checkbox?

X Default
  o Justified
  o Left
  o Center
  o Right

(Notice that I've switched the order of the radio buttons, putting center in the middle rather than at the end.)


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