Helge Hafting wrote:
I discovered another bug while trying to get nomencl.sty to work for me.
(The latter may be a latex problem - I get no glossary whatsoever,
but no error message either.)
The glossary problem is now solved (bad local makeindex)
but the .aux problem remains.

The rater annoying error is that I get latex compile errors whenever
I change the document language!

I.e. view->dvi once, change document language, now you
can't view->dvi again because the previous language is
"undefined".  Of course it is - it is not in use!

Looking at exported .tex, there was no mention of the
previous language at all. The string did not exist in the file.
But it did exist in the .aux file, and LyX seems to think it
is ok to re-use this file? Removing the .aux file
fixed everything, I could then view->dvi with a different language.

Perhaps LyX should take care do do this then, when a
document language change is applied?

Helge Hafting

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