Oliver Johns
Sat, 23 Jun 2007 11:04:50 -0700


LyX 1.5.0rc1 is a tremendous improvement.  But:

Text entry in the middle of a paragraph is unusably slow. My typing (not great) gets far ahead of the screen. The screen catches up at a rate of about one character every 1/2 second. Glacial. Cursor shift using right or left arrows is
equally slow, as is selection using Shift-left or Shift-right.

The problem is much less severe when entering the first characters in a brand new document.

System: 1.33GHz PowerPC G4 12" PowerBook. Running OSX10.4.10. Nothing else running except LyX.
This is so bad, it probably should be listed as a bug.


O. Johns

The problem is known (although perhaps not fully understood) and worked on.
In particular PPC macs may have problems. Check this mail
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg56596.html
and the other messages in the tread if you like more info.
If the improved universal version still does not work for you, you could try a pure PPC-version. Compile yourself or download from


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