Rob wrote: 

The upgrade from Fedora 6 to 7 confronted me with an automagically upgrade of 
LyX from 1.4.4 to 1.5.0beta2.

So, after the Fedora upgrade, I started LyX (looks good!) and opened my 1.4.4 
document. It looks alright, but the citations in
the postscript and dvi output look awkward. A citation that
should become like "[1]" (without the quotes), now looks like
"(author?)[1]", where "(author?)" is in bold.

Any idea why this is going wrong?

Is it possible that this is fixed in the beta3 release?

Or is there a simple conversion possible?
(This is a large document, so I hope there is an easy conversion!!!).

Solved it.
In "Document->Settings...", I use
  Document Class article (REVTeX 4)
  Bibliography Natbib Author-year

I had to change 'Author-year' to 'Numerical', and then all is OK again.
Somehow, the 'author-year' got automagically set when loading the
1.4.4 document into 1.5.0 lyx. At least, I never had problems with this
lyx document before, when using 1.4.4 lyx.
Anyway, it turns out that the 'author-year' setting requires an additional
field in the bibtex file, which I obviously don't provide, since I don't want
to use this type of citation.

I wonder whether a lot more people will run into this, when loading their
1.4.4 documents, once 1.5.0 lyx is officially released......


And yes indeed; Fedora 7 ships with lyx-1.5.0-0.5.beta2.fc7.

Now, I hope they are also quick in providing the official release, once
you guys push the 1.5.0 release out :).


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