Several options:

(1) Point out on the website that there's no such address as lyx-foo.
(Apparently the word "hypothetical" is either not understood by some people
or being ignored.)

(2) Change the website to use lyx-users for everything first, and then say,
"there's also a lyx-devel and lyx-announce, and they're
exactly the same, only s/users/devel/". (No, I wouldn't write s/// on the
web site.)

(3) set up an autoreply from lyx-foo to tell people that they really ought
to mail to lyx-users-subscribe et al.

(4) set up a mailing list call lyx-foo which we only use on Fridays.

#2 is probably the best solution, even if #4 would be more fun. If a couple
people agree, I'll make the changes. (I feel responsible for writing the
page, though I thought it was less confusing than the version before it.)


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