Le 9 juil. 07 à 17:33, Richard Heck a écrit :

I checked that if you modify isBufferDependent() for LaTeX logs (hence into ControlLog.h) so that it returns true when belonging to a LaTeX log dialog, then it is no more hidden when switching buffer (but this isn't sufficient because there are update issues to deal with...).
Yes, this is all related to the update issue. The call to ControlLog::initialiseParams() is supposed to pass (a) the name of the logfile type and (b) the name of the logfile. We're supposed to return false if there's some error in the parsing of this information. The call you mention passes no data at all, so the parsing fails, and we return false. To do a proper update, you'd have to have that information lying around somewhere.
I'm curious to know how one should specify that a buffer dependent dialog has to hide/keep displayed when switching to another buffer.
At present, there is no way to do this. Perhaps a new hideOnSwitch () virtual method is needed.

I agree.

A more general solution, perhaps, would be to add a new onSwitch() virtual method, which would allow the dialog to do whatever it wished when the buffer was switched. Perhaps it would hide itself; perhaps it would clear itself; perhaps it would try to update itself. This could be called before the update().

Yes, this solution would be better.

As for the graphics dialog, a question: If you click away from the graphics inset to which the dialog is attached, what happens?
The dialog remains as is if you stay into the same buffer. It is emptied if you switch to another buffer. But in the latter case I think we have a bug: despite the dialog is emptied, if you modify some parameters and click the "Apply" button, then parameters are always linked (and so applied) to the graphics inset. IMO, this is really unadapted!
Yes, that would be a bug. This should probably return true for hideOnSwitch(), or do something sensible in onSwitch().

Should I file a bug for this particular behavior?

What should happen?
In my vision, this shouldn't be possible for dialogs such as graphics (modal dialogs). You'd have to close the dialog before. This would avoid undesired effects (e.g. modify some graphic parameters whereas the preview is no more visible due to scrolling, or buffer switching...).
The addition of a hideOnSwitch() method would deal with this problem, while allowing you to do this: change the graphics parameters for one inset; then (in the same document), click another graphics dialog and make changes there, without having to close and re-open the dialog.

Ok. For my usage, it's not annoying to close and reopen because most of time, I make settings just after inserting graphics.

But there are issues about update that led
to the paragraph settings dialog becoming modal. Abdel is working on this. The intention is for it to become non-modal again, once he's got it sorted
Well I can't see why. If you want to apply the same settings to several paragraphs, you could select them all, and then apply settings, no?
The idea was that maybe you are making different changes in different paragraphs, and it slows you down to have to close and open the dialog every time.

Ok, now I understand why some people like it. But personally, I'd prefer modal dialogs. What about a preference option? It would concern only this kind of dialogs (I don't know, maybe we could refer to them as "Inset dialogs").


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