On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 03:05:39AM +0300, Dov Feldstern wrote:
> Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 02:31:05AM +0300, Dov Feldstern wrote:
> >> Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> >>>> With your patch applied, when I mark as english the footnote content 
> >>>> I correctly see a \selectlanguage{english} inserted before "bla bla bla".
> >>>> But I also see that the whole footnote inset is marked as foreign, so I
> >>>> select the whole of it and mark it as english. Now it is not underlined
> >>>> anymore but the \selectlanguage{english} is gone, too!
> >> That's fine: once you set the language of the inset to be equal to that 
> >> of the text inside it, then the language switch command will happen 
> >> *before* the inset, and therefore there's no need for the language 
> >> switch to happen inside.
> > 
> > Hope you are right, as what I obtain in this case is:
> > 
> > \selectlanguage{italian}
> > BLA BLA BLA\foreignlanguage{english}{}%
> > \footnote{bla bla bla%
> > }\selectlanguage{english}
> > 
> > I would like "bla bla bla" to be in English, but it seems to me that
> > it will be in Italian, instead...
> > 
> hmmm, I don't know about the \foreignlanguage command, I've been playing 
> around with either \selectlanguage or \L and \R, which are RTL-specific. 
> Is there nothing you can type inside the footnote that will appear 
> differently, depending on the language it's in? punctuation or something?

The LaTeX output is clear, I think. However, just to be sure, I put
\today in the footnote and it gave the date in Italian format.

Moreover, after marking the footnote inset itself as English, I cannot
obtain anymore the \selectlanguage{english} inside the footnote even
trying to mark again as english the content.

The error here is that \footnote should be the argument of
\foreignlanguage but it is left out of it. Thinking about it,
as the footnote could have more paragraphs, \selectlanguage{english}
should be used, in order to avoid a "runaway argument" error in LaTeX.


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