Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Dov Feldstern wrote:
So far, though, these two patches have mostly been ignored --- a few
people have responded, but not many.

You're not ignored. I agree that these patches should be considered, but I don't understand the stuff enough to comment (and I'm too busy for testing). I think you should be patient and wait until José, who is the one who decides and also probably the one who understands the changes, finds time to look at it. Please accept that he is also quite busy with the lyx2lyx bugs currently.


Thank you to all of you who have responded. And I'm sorry for having been impatient, I guess I'm also being a little unfair --- certainly these patches are pretty RTL-oriented, and I don't really expect non-RTL users to "get them". And I often (in fact, almost always) don't respond to other people's patches, because I don't understand exactly what they're about. And I know people are busy with other things.

It's just that in this case, given how close we are to a release, and given the complexity of the patches, I'd like to have them committed as soon as possible, just so that we have more opportunities of catching bugs before the official release. I don't expect other developers to actively test them that much, but I do expect them to notice if something suddenly breaks because of them, and that's what I hope to catch before the release. Or to put it differently: I don't need testing for what I mean the patch to do --- I know it's doing the right thing in that sense ;) ; it's just that I want to catch all the *unexpected* things that it's doing as well --- and the only way to catch that is by giving them as much exposure as possible, so the sooner it happens, the more chances we have of still fixing any problems which may arise before the release...

Again, thanks all of you for responding :) .


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