> On 7/26/07, Pavel Sanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> now - instead normal character there appears VERY big character (even in 
> >latex output).
> >> without switching between tabs nothing like this happens.
> >> can anybody reproduce it ?
> >
> >more remarks: it happens also when switching through menu. after that 
> >switch font indicator
> >is set to bold,huger and when running with cursor it gets back into normal.
> I can not reproduce this. Maybe this is related to non-English language?

can you try it with attached file ?
(after opening dont forget to set the cursor position at the end of file)

my guess is that it has something to do with bold huge font on the first
line of file.

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KdyŞ  kochal svým duchem a svou samotou a po deset let s


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