On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 03:34:53PM +1000, Darren Freeman wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-07-30 at 22:41 -0600, Bob Lounsbury wrote:
> > That's strange. I have an Athlon XP 2000+ with 1GB of RAM, and I have
> > not noticed any slowness at all. I wonder if it has anything to do
> > with the graphics card. This computer has an ATI 9800 graphics card,
> > which is a very nice card. With my iBook I had a lot of slowness until
> I have a Radeon 9200SE.
> It is certainly using DRI at 24bpp.
> I can't test the X settings hypothesis right now as I have a lot of
> unsaved work open. Sounds likely though!

Google Earth, Celestia, Stellarium, glxgears: slow or fast?
> > Just a thought, I don't know, since we're talking about "drawing"
> > problems that I assume are performed mostly by the graphics card.
> We really have two problems here. One, LyX is inefficiently redrawing
> too much for simple text edits. Two, the X server is running badly due
> to likely driver issues.
> The first one should be fixed as a priority as it really hurts the
> cause.

I expect that if the second gets fixed, the first will be less
hurtful (I wonder if the wide() thingy still works as

The trouble with issue two is that it may be an upstream qt 
issue. I wonder if it affects other apps besides LyX.

- Martin

> Have fun,
> Darren

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