On Tuesday 21 August 2007 20:18:49 Bo Peng wrote:
> If no one can fix autotools in a day, autotools can be dumped because
> too few people can or are willing to maintain it.

  The same can be said about any other buildsystem. We are on holidays time 
(at least in the Northern hemisphere) so a day is not a really such a big 
time period.

  When introducing such new features a little bit of patience is expected. And 
no a day is not a sign of patience. :-)

> Bo

  PS: I remember that you have talked about PEPs for new features what is the 
rationale behind this feature.

  PPS: I am still on a semi-holidays mode so my appearance in this list can be 
irregular this week.

  PPPS: I have some things to say about the development stage of 1.6 but due 
to the reason above I will delay this to next week.

  PPPPS: I have some ideas about xml, but again more about this next week.

  P{5}S: no more P*S's. ;-)
José Abílio

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