Andre Poenitz wrote:
On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 07:51:24AM +0200, Peter Kümmel wrote:
Hm... not sure. I've been using the commercial version of Qt for three
years and now in the new job some in-house version from which both the
commercial and the OS versions are build. I think I never used the
OS version on Windows myself, so I don't really know how much it differs
>from the commercial one. I'll try to increase my level of knowledge ;-}
The patched open source version of qt doesn't produce running project files,
only the Makefiles are usable.

Wonder whether this is intentional.

I assume it is part of TT's business model.

The only way to have such  project files is to use cmake.

So we should make some effort to rectify this situation rather soonish,
I think cmake could do the same job as scons does, it is only a question
of time and interest.

Andre', we could meet for beer and cmake hacking...

Sure, why not.

But I am afraid there's no beer in the office (obviously room for
improvement there...) so this would be (preferably for me) my place.
Contact data in private mail...


Peter Kümmel

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