In this whole lengthy diatribe, nobody seems to mention the words "good programming practice"; perhaps it died with C++? Programing standards are not usually the provence of "good programming practice", no more than car technical manuals provide instruction on good driving practice. The only attempt at "good programming practice" advice for C++ that I have ever found is Scott Meyers excellent book, "Effective C++, Second Edition, 50 Specific Ways To Improve Your Program And Designs". Perhaps there are others? Most "how to program in C++" seem to pay little attention to "good programming practice", with the result that the maintainability of C++ code is miserably poor. Lack of "good programming practice" conventions is fertile ground for a hacker's paradise with the consequentle potential for highly unmaintable code.


On 29/08/2007, at 1:13 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: Things we do wrong

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