in trunk

1. select range of cells with mouse:

lyx.exe!lyx::support::abort()  Line 25 + 0x8 bytes      C++
lyx.exe!boost::assertion_failed(const char * expr=0x00e95730, const char * 
function=0x00e956e4, const char * file=0x00e956c4, long line=1110)  Line 57  C++
lyx.exe!lyx::TextMetrics::getPitNearY(int y=71)  Line 1110 + 0xa5 bytes C++
lyx.exe!lyx::TextMetrics::editXY(lyx::Cursor & cur={...}, int x=74, int y=71)  
Line 1207 + 0xc bytes    C++
lyx.exe!lyx::InsetTabular::editXY(lyx::Cursor & cur={...}, int x=74, int y=71)  
Line 3915 + 0x55 bytes  C++
lyx.exe!lyx::TextMetrics::editXY(lyx::Cursor & cur={...}, int x=74, int y=71)  
Line 1250 + 0x1b bytes   C++
lyx.exe!lyx::BufferView::workAreaDispatch(const lyx::FuncRequest & cmd0={...})  
Line 1108 + 0x3f bytes  C++
lyx.exe!lyx::frontend::WorkArea::dispatch(const lyx::FuncRequest & cmd0={...}, 
lyx::key_modifier::state k=none)  Line 213 + 0xf bytes   C++
lyx.exe!lyx::frontend::GuiWorkArea::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * 
e=0x01a89920)  Line 302     C++

2. select range of cells with keyboard:

lyx.exe!boost::assertion_failed(const char * expr=0x00e95ffc, const char * 
function=0x00e95fa8, const char * file=0x00e95f88, long line=1360)  Line 57  C++
lyx.exe!lyx::TextMetrics::cursorX(const lyx::CursorSlice & sl={...}, bool 
boundary=false)  Line 1360 + 0x2b bytes       C++
lyx.exe!lyx::TextMetrics::drawRowSelection(lyx::PainterInfo & pi={...}, int 
x=61, const lyx::Row & row={...}, const lyx::DocIterator & beg={...}, const 
lyx::DocIterator & end={...}, bool drawOnBegMargin=false, bool 
drawOnEndMargin=false)  Line 1962 + 0x1a bytes   C++
lyx.exe!lyx::TextMetrics::drawSelection(lyx::PainterInfo & pi={...}, int x=61, 
int __formal=75)  Line 1926      C++
lyx.exe!lyx::InsetText::draw(lyx::PainterInfo & pi={...}, int x=59, int y=75)  
Line 199 C++
lyx.exe!lyx::InsetTabular::draw(lyx::PainterInfo & pi={...}, int x=40, int 
y=75)  Line 3048 + 0x46 bytes        C++
lyx.exe!lyx::RowPainter::paintInset(const lyx::Inset * inset=0x03079cf0, const 
int pos=0)  Line 138 + 0x28 bytes        C++
lyx.exe!lyx::RowPainter::paintText()  Line 788  C++
lyx.exe!lyx::TextMetrics::drawParagraph(lyx::PainterInfo & pi={...}, int pit=0, 
int x=0, int y=41)  Line 1855   C++
lyx.exe!lyx::BufferView::draw(lyx::frontend::Painter & pain={...})  Line 1563   
lyx.exe!lyx::frontend::GuiWorkArea::updateScreen()  Line 496    C++
lyx.exe!lyx::frontend::GuiWorkArea::expose(int x=0, int y=0, int w=766, int 
h=456)  Line 487    C++

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