While scrolling with the mouse wheel any document containing either
(expanded) floating pictures with big pictures or big math equation
insets (i.e. occupying more than half of the vertical screen space),
it is possible to notice crazy-scroll behaviours that are very annoying
and make it very difficult to have a "sliding-read" of the document
at once (i.e. due to the non-homogeneous vertical-space progress
that is made by the mouse wheel at every rotation-click, you get
unexpected big jumps intermixed with "normal" jumps).

Sometimes, I'm forced to scroll dragging the scrolling bar, in order to
have a good look at various parts of a (vertically) long picture, otherwise
there's no way (using the keyboard or mouse wheel).

Also, while dragging the scrollbar at a (approx.) regular speed, it is
evident that while in regular text the document gets scrolled much
slower than while in floatings or equations.

I guess all of this has something to do with the logics for predicting
an Inset height before actually drawing it. Is this so difficult to fix ?

Thanks, bye,


Rodrigo Fresneda ha scritto:
1. This one is very annoying. Open the attached file crazyscroll.lyx and position section 2 head "This title at the top" at the top of the text window, in the uppermost possible position while still being totally visible. I advise you to use the scrollbar arrows, because mouse scrolling is too coarse (another bug). Now scroll one line upwards with the mouse scroll. It will jump a whole paragraph. This also happens if you use the up scrollbar arrow, but the jump is smaller.

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