On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 01:40:01AM +0000, Angus Leeming wrote:
> Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > In the long run we could/should think about merging controller and
> > view nevertheless. Reduces the number of classes by 50% and make
> > those string conversion orgies unnecessary...
> The string conversion orgies are nothing to do with a controller/view
> separation of the dialog. They're all to do with getting data between
> the dialog and the frontend.

Not (entirely) true. It's also because frontends/* and
frontends/controllers/* are not supposed to know of actual frontend
implementations, so they have to use "kernel style strings". This in
turn means that anything in frontends/concretefrontend/* has to convert
its strings to "controller strings" as soon as it accesses the
controller or gets string data out of it.

And this _is_ due to the explicit View/Controller split. If the
controllers were merged into the concrete frontends (either by not
having separte classes at all, or at least living in frontends/
concretefrontend, the controller could use "frontend style strings"
for the interaction with the actule View.

> The *only* reason they exist at all is because there was a religion
> that data coming into the LyX kernel had to come in using the Dispatch
> mechanism which operates on strings.

There's no religion lasting forever.

> Given that there was a hard requirement to post data to the kernel
> from the dialog as a string, I made the interface symmetric so that
> getting data into the dialog from the kernel used a string too.

Come on. You were already a big boy at that time, so I'd guess you
had some influence on the discussion.
> So, that particular reasoning to ditch the view/controller split of a
> dialog is just fud.

FUD is nice.


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