On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 11:55:21AM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
> >Does anyone know roughly how long it takes to build LyX on a machine 
> >with one of these processors:
> >* Core 2 Duo E4300
> >* AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+
> >* AMD Athlon X2 BE-2400 (or BE-2350)
> >
> >The reason for my strange question is that I'm going to buy a server 
> >to have at home, and I'm using LyX development as my personal 
> >motivation for getting hardware that's more powerful than I really 
> >need... The server will act as my PVR, personal wiki, file server etc, 
> >but in addition I'm going to use it for LyX development. Compiling LyX 
> >will the most heavy task of the server.
> >
> >Actually, my plan is to install one or more virtual machines in it and 
> >then do LyX compilations there - so the next time Andre' breaks the 
> >build process, I'll give him an account and he can look at the problem 
> >directly.
> Hm - virtualization tends to slow things down - why bother?

The virtualization overhead is almost invisible if done right.
A vmware linux gues on a vmware linux host goes at >95% full speed
last time I actively used it.

> >A somewhat related question: Is a quad core an advantage when it comes 
> >to building LyX? Is the linking stage multi-threaded?
> I don't know about LyX in particular, but compiling can generally take
> advantage of many cores. (Look at the man pages for make,
> it supports the parameter -j <num> where you specify
> the number of parallel threads. Specify at least as many as you
> have cores, perhaps 1 more.  Then you enjoy a 4x speedup on
> a quad-core machine. :-)

-j 6  sounds reasonable for quad cores.


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