Andre Poenitz schrieb:
On Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 06:32:05PM +0200, Michael Gerz wrote:
... and the winners are ...

$ find . -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec svn blame svn://{} \; > blame.cpp $ find . -type f -name "*.h" -exec svn blame svn://{} \; > blame.h
$ cut --characters='8-18' blame.cpp blame.h |sort |uniq -c|sort
  ...        ...
  8044      bpeng
 13821       baum
 14434     younes
 25341    leeming
 39789     larsbj
 50704    poenitz

Looks like removed lines don't show up...
Yes, of course. This was a semi-fair but simple way to determine to the third person - there is no doubt that Abdel and Georg were the main contributors for LyX 1.5.X.


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