Andre Poenitz wrote:
On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 10:26:57AM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
Andre Poenitz wrote:

On Thu, Oct 18, 2007 at 12:20:23PM -0500, Bo Peng wrote:
This is a generated file built by

       echo "<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version='1.0'><qresource>" > $@
       find $(top_srcdir)/lib/images -name '*.png' \
               | sed -e 's:$(top_srcdir)/lib/\(.*\):<file
               | alias="\1">&</file>:' \
               >> $@
       echo "</qresource></RCC>" >> $@
What is the advantage of doing all these?
Compiled-in resources vs 600 seperately installed files?
And this is an advantage because?
Presumably faster loading. I haven't tested yet but I can imagine that reading one big file on disk is faster than reading 600 small files (this is for sure on Windows). Note that most of the icons are loaded on startup now that we have the math panels in the toolbars.
Good - faster startup is always a good thing, the delay is noticeable now.

It removes ~0.4s out of a total ~7s here, so ~5%. Not too much actually,
but not bad either.
Everything helps :-)
It's hard to get 'real numbers' as after the first start there's a lot
chached by the system (total time then <2s here).
2s to start LyX from cache, 3s to start LyX with some
document. More when there's no cache of course.

Helge Hafting

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