I am using 1.0.1 version of lyx and facing a bug problem in a lyx file.
I tried to resolve it by taking the help from help menu but could not.
Could you please help me in this regard.

The file is attached herewith.

Kind regards,

I. Arshad
#This file was created by <aairsh> Fri Jul 28 15:23:10 2000
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
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\layout Title

 (X AND Y) 
\layout Section

\layout Enumerate

To identify the blue-sky bits on days with mixture.
\layout Enumerate

To find the relationship between the Saturation/Hue/Grey values and the
 coordinates(X and Y).
 So that we can use this relation to estimate the parameters of a cloudy
\layout Section

\layout Standard

We used Saturation, Hue and Grey values to find their relaionship with rows(X)
 and columns(y) because all these values are useful to identify the blue-sky.
 We observed in the frequency distribution of Saturation, Hue and Grey and
 also by ploting these values according to their respective values that
 these values have the multiple linear relation with their co-ordinates(rows
 & columns).
 But in fitting a multiple linear regression line a problem occurs, because
 the appearance of blue-sky depends on:
\layout Enumerate

position of the Sun.
\layout Enumerate

Amount of haze.
\layout Standard

However for a fixed amount of haze and at a fixed time of day, the equation
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta (X-\overline{{X}})+\gamma (Y-\overline{{Y}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ) \)

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta x+\gamma y \)

\begin_inset Formula \( x=X-{}\bar{X} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( y=Y-{}\bar{Y} \)

\layout Standard

works well and gives the value of 
\begin_inset Formula \( R^{2} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \geq  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( 0.90 \)

\layout Standard

For a given picture, with parameter estimated from that picture, we have
\begin_inset Formula \( {}\hat{s}\approx  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( s \)

\layout Standard

While for a fixed amount of haze and at a fixed time of day, the equation
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( h=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta (X-\overline{{X}})+\gamma (Y-\overline{{Y}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ) \)

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( h=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta x+\gamma y \)

\layout Standard

does not work well, for a given picture, with parameter estimated from that
 picture, we have high variation in errors.
\layout Standard

However the equation
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( g=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta (X-\overline{{X}})+\gamma (Y-\overline{{Y}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ) \)

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( g=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta x+\gamma y \)

\layout Standard

also gives the precise estimates of the parameters.
\layout Subsection

To identify the position of the Sun
\layout Standard

To identify the position of the Sun, we observed that saturation is much
 low corresponding to the rays of the Sun.
 so to find the column with minimum total of s-values will be useful to
 identify the position of the Sun.
\layout Itemize

If that column is the first column of the plane then the sun is to the left
 of the plane.
\layout Itemize

If that column is the last column of the plane then the Sun is to the right
 of the plane.
\layout Itemize

If that column is any other, then we need to fit the separate planes, one
 for those columns which are 
\begin_inset Formula \( \leq  \)

the column having the minimum total of s-values, and other for those columns
 which are 
\begin_inset Formula \( \geq  \)

 the column having the minimum total of s-values.
 So on the left of the screen we fit the model 
\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta (x-\overline{{x}})+\gamma (y-\overline{{y}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ) \)

 and on the right of the screen we fit the model 
\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ^{/}+\beta ^{/}(x-\overline{{x}})+\gamma ^{/}(y-\overline{{y}} 

\begin_inset Formula \( ) \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha ^{/}=\alpha +2\gamma k \)

 , where 
\begin_inset Formula \( k \)

\begin_inset Formula \( = \)

 Column having the minimum total of s-values.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \beta ^{/}=\beta  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \gamma ^{/}=-\gamma  \)

\layout Subsection

Solution of the problems
\layout Standard

To overcome the problems mentioned above, we take the following measures:
\layout Enumerate

we gave the weight 
\begin_inset Formula \( 1 \)

 to saturation where it was greater than 
\begin_inset Formula \( 0.12 \)

\begin_inset Formula \( 0 \)

\layout Enumerate

We use the iteration to improve the goodness of fit.
\layout Section

\layout Standard

We want to use pre-estimated parameters because, on a cloudy day we can't
 do otherwise.
 (or we can do ?)
\layout Section

\layout Standard

By using the xv program we observed that saturation vary from 
\begin_inset Formula \( 30 \)

\begin_inset Formula \( 50 \)

 against the bluesky and it vary from 
\begin_inset Formula \( 0 \)

\begin_inset Formula \( 10 \)

 against the cloudy.
\layout Itemize

For blue-sky saturation vary from
\begin_inset Formula \( 30 \)

\begin_inset Formula \( 50 \)

\layout Itemize

For cloudy saturation vary from 
\begin_inset Formula \( 0 \)

\begin_inset Formula \( 10 \)

\layout Section*

\layout Standard

We found that 
\layout Itemize

hue values don't have the multiple linear relation with the Coordinates.
\layout Itemize

Grey and Saturation are most useful to identify the blue-sky bits.
\layout Standard

We fit the multiple linear regression line of hue on X and Y.
 Which we found useless to identify the blue sky as this line was not a
 good fit.
\layout Standard

The multiple regression line of grey values on X and Y is useful to identify
 the blue-sky bits from the day with mixture.
\layout Standard

The multiple regression line of saturation on X and Y is more useful to
 identify the blue-sky bits as it is best fit for the data.
\layout Standard

At the first step, we take only the blue-sky data to see how best the fit
\layout Section

\layout Standard

To see the change in Saturation with the per unit change in time, we used
 the different blue-sky data of the same day to fit the model 
\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta (X-\overline{{X}})+\gamma (Y-\overline{{Y}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ) \)

\layout Standard

and then plot the estimates vs time and observed that:
\layout Itemize

The constant term 
\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha  \)

 followed the pattern of increase in the morning upto some certain time
 and then decrease.
\layout Itemize

The term 
\begin_inset Formula \( \beta  \)

 Which measure the slope on row, followed the pattern of increase in the
 morning upto some certain time and then decrease in the estimate of 
\begin_inset Formula \( \beta  \)

\layout Itemize

The term 
\begin_inset Formula \( \gamma  \)

 which measure the change in saturation with per unit change in column,
 and followed
\layout Standard

As we observed in the frequency distribution of Saturation for a blue-sky
 data and also by colouring each pixel of a blue-sky data according to its
 saturation value that the saturation has the multiple linear relation with
 its co-ordinates(X & Y).
 We found on blue-sky day that the saturation increases as the number of
 column increses and has almost the similar relation with rows except at
 the bottom of the picture because of haze.
\layout Standard

The similer relation was observed for Hue and Grey values.
\layout Standard

Then we fit the multiple linear regression line of saturation on rows(
\begin_inset Formula \( X \)

) and columns(
\begin_inset Formula \( Y \)

) by using the following deviation model:
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta (X-\overline{{X}})+\gamma (Y-\overline{{Y}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ) \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \overline{{X}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( = \)

 mean of number of rows and 
\begin_inset Formula \( \overline{{Y}}= \)

mean of number of columns
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \hat{{}\alpha =\bar{{}s \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \hat{{}\beta 
=\frac{S_{xs}S_{yy}-SysS_{xy}}{S_{xx}S_{yy}-S_{xy}S_{xy}} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \hat{{}\gamma 
=\frac{S_{xs}S_{xy}-S_{ys}S_{xx}}{S_{xy}S_{xy}-S_{yy}S_{xx}} \)

\layout Standard

We also calculated the residuals (
\begin_inset Formula \( s-{}\hat{s} \)

) and we found that this model is good fit for a particular figure and at
 a particular time but we cann't use the estimates of the parameters estimated
 from any particulr picture to estimates the parameters of other pictures
 because of the problem that how blue is a blue-sky depends on the following:
\layout Enumerate

position of the Sun.
\layout Enumerate

Amount of haze.
\layout Standard

To know the position of the Sun, we observed by using the xv programme on
 a day when the Sun is very clear on the top of the picture that the saturation
 is much low against the rays of Sun and high elsewhere.
 So we found the column having the minimum total of saturaton.
 It shows the position of the Sun, if that column is the first column of
 the picture then the Sun is on the left and we fit the above model for
 the whole plane.
 If that column is the last column of the picture then the Sun is on the
 right and again we fit the same model for the plane.
 But if the column having minimum total of saturation is any other, then
 we need to fit the separate planes on for those columns 
\begin_inset Formula \( \leq  \)

that particular column and the other for those column 
\begin_inset Formula \( \geq  \)

that particular plane.
\layout Standard

For the first plane we fit the model 
\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta x+\gamma y \)

 and for the second plane we fit the model 
\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( ^{/}+\beta ^{/}x+\gamma ^{/}y \)

\layout Standard

We want some values on each plane when 
\begin_inset Formula \( y=k \)

\layout Standard

So for first plane 
\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta x_{1}+\gamma k \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta x_{2}+\gamma k \)

\layout Standard

and for the second plane 
\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha ^{/} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta ^{/}x_{1}+\gamma ^{/}k \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( s=\alpha ^{/} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta ^{/}x_{2}+\gamma ^{/}k \)

\layout Standard

Bycomparing we got 
\begin_inset Formula \( \beta (y_{1}-y_{2})=\beta ^{/}(y_{1}-y_{2}) \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \beta =\beta ^{/} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha +\beta x_{1}+\gamma k= \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha ^{/} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\beta ^{/}x_{1}+\gamma ^{/}k \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha +\gamma k= \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha ^{/} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( +\gamma ^{/}k \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha ^{/} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( =\alpha +(\gamma -\gamma ^{/})k \)

\layout Standard

Consider two y values equi-distant from k.
 We expect the saturation to be the same (for the same y)
\layout Standard

 we want
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha +\gamma (k-l)=\alpha ^{/}+\gamma ^{/}(k+l) \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha +\gamma (k-l)=\alpha ^{/}+(\gamma -\gamma ^{/})+\gamma 
^{/}(k+l) \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \gamma (k-l-k)=\gamma ^{/}(k+l-k) \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( -\gamma l=\gamma ^{/}l \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \gamma ^{/}=-\gamma  \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \alpha ^{/}=\alpha +2\gamma  \)

\layout Comment

Rsquare,Partial Total Regression sum of squares
\layout Standard

Fitted model:
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \hat{{}s=\hat{{}\alpha +\hat{{}\beta 
(X-\bar{{}X)+\hat{{}\gamma (Y-\bar{{}Y) \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( R^{2}=\frac{Regr.\: S.\: S.}{Total\: S.\: S.} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( =1-\frac{Error\: S.\: S.}{Total\: S.\: S.} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( =1-\frac{\Sigma (s-\hat{{}s)^{2}}{\Sigma (s-\bar{{}s)^{2}} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \sigma ^{\bigwedge 2}=Error\: M.\: S.=\frac{\Sigma 
(s-\hat{{}s)^{2}}{n-3} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: x=\frac{(\Sigma sx)^{2}}{(\Sigma 
x)^{2}} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: y=\frac{(\Sigma sy)^{2}}{(\Sigma 
y)^{2}} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: xy(both)=total\: S.\: S.-Error\: S.\: 
S. \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( F-ratio\: for\: X=\frac{Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: x}{Error.\: 
M.\: S.} \)

\latex latex 



\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( F-ratio\: for\: y=\frac{Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: y}{Error.\: 
M.\: S.} \)

\latex latex 



\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( partial\: F-ratio\: for\: x=\frac{Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: 
xy-Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: Y}{Error.\: M.\: S.} \)

\latex latex 



\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( partial\: F-ratio\: for\: y=\frac{Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: 
xy-Regr.\: S.\: S.\: for\: x}{Error.\: M.\: S.} \)

\layout Comment

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( Residual=error=s-\hat{{}s \)

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

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\layout Standard

\layout Standard

35 .42 
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