Hmmm, I'm thoroughly confused: JMarc and Juergen have made (seemingly)
contradictory statements on the possiblity of setting some docuement
settings (especially the language, and the parskip where hebrew differs
from english) within a layout file:

JMarc's version:

>>>>> "Lior" == Lior Silberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Lior> Hi, I've been using the hebrew document classes provided by
Lior> Dekel (thanks!) for a while. Reading
Lior> BufferParams::useClassDefaults it seems that only a limited
Lior> number of Layout->Document settings can be included in the class
Lior> defaults.

In fact, all the settings that are document-wide are included, unless
there is a bug.


Juergen's version:
[Subject: RE: Templates]

On 02-Aug-2000 Preben Randhol wrote:
> Is it possible to set the language in a templater? I need to set the
> language to norsk as the template is for Norwegian letters.
> I also tried to set it up so that LyX uses Parskip rather than
> indentation in this template, but it didn't work. Do somebody have a
> working example?

You cannot set this in the layout files. [... but can in the template.]


My analysis:

Comparing LyXTextClass::Read and LyXLayout::Read, it seems that it's
possible to define these settings for a style within the textclass, but
not the document-wide default. Prehaps that's the reason for the

I'm willing to add these settings to LyXTextClass (and then update
BufferParams::useClassDefaults to incorporate them), if this is the right
way to proceed.

Any comments?


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