Bennett Helm wrote:
Any other possibility for a (temporary) workaround until it gets fixed in Qt???

Two possibilities, but you're not going to like them:

1. Use the mouse to switch windows.

2. Use only a single window (with <opt><tab> and <opt><shift><tab> to switch between tabs).

I don't know of any keyboard-based solutions.

Thanks Bennett.

My problem is actually not so much that I would NEED keyboard-based window switching in LyX - I can live well without it.

The problem is that nevertheless sometimes I DO use the standard key-combination (e.g. to jump to/from a dialog box that I left open) and then harm is caused (without me noticing it).

So let me reword the question:
Can I somehow (completely) disable the leftquote key in LyX, as a workaround to this bug?


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