The article in NY Times spawned a discussion on ./, see this link

One interesting post of possible interest to use was the following about 'WriteRoom':

        I'm Jesse Grosjean, the guy who wrote WriteRoom

        You are not the first to say that WriteRoom == Bad copy of VIM,

        .. but I also think that you are not really understanding
        WriteRoom's purpose.


        Instead, it's just meant to provide distraction free writing.


        * No distractions. Full screen. Hidden menu bar. Hidden scroll
          bar. Nothing but text.
        * In full screen mode text doesn't wrap over the entire screen.
          Instead your text is formated in a readable column in the center
          of the screen.
        * Few important writers statistics (word count) pop up at bottom
          of screen, but hidden by default.
        * Lots of control over the look (colors, cursors, and fonts and
          paragraph formatting, even in plain text mode)
        * "Normal" app, user doesn't have to know about command line.

Maybe some ideas for us.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44     

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