Pavel Sanda wrote:
Is there any chance a character counter could be implemented into Lyx? It
would be of great help when writing university papers
such counter is quite simple. do we want it ?
Absolutely! It was reported that this is a killer feature in some fields:

this will be only informative counter. one reason is the different views
what is to be counted, the second one and much harder to implement is
the different number of actually typesetted chars by latex.
(maybe we can give such warning in the dialog?)
This will never be accurate, with automatic words like "chapter"
in various languages. So why not use "ls -l"  (or "dir" in windows) -
just look at the file size.

How many "characters" are there in a math expression? One per symbol?
How many characters is a box, a figure, a linebreak, a font change,  . . .

Do you count only the active branches? How about invisible
words (used for lining up stuff in presentations, among other things)
Not entirely trivial - if someone actually depends on it.

Helge Hafting

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