Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

> UI Question:
> In the outliner type combo, do you prefer an entry for each type of
> notes (LyX, Comment, Greyed out) or one entry like what we have now?
> Abdel.

I have just compiled svn. It looks very nice.
In the long run. I think it would be nice to have the non-printable notes
that are more todo kind of stuff in a special widget and not in the text,
linked through the 'Navigator'.

Several suggestions for the new outliner :
- Change the name to 'Navigator' and have the same shortcut (F5) than in
Open Office
- Open / Close the Navigator through the Visualize menu like View Source
- Is it possible to have the footnote number on the left of the tree item in
the same color that the footnote in the main editing window ?
- If the footnote is a bibliographical reference, the item in the footnotes
tree is empty
- Have a search combo box to search notes, footnotes, etc.
- When you click or have the cursor in the editing window, highlight the
item in the tree (maybe by italicizing it)
- I would suppress the identical features in the Navigate main menu
- In List of footnotes / Liste of notes etc.. suppress the outliner buttons
and slider.

A small question. Why Tommaso Cucinotta's search interface is not
integrated ? It looked very nice.



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