I had a devil of a time finding out how to make pdfsyc work. I finally found the answer in the developer's mail list. I suggest adding the following the the mac section of the wiki near where DVI search is written. (No password so I couldn't do it myself.) http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/Mac#toc7

PS Is there a way to click in LyX and go to that spot in the pdf.

(Taken from the developer's mail list).

In PDFView's preferences, use a custom preset for PDFSync support, with the following entries:
"%file" %line

Also, make sure that the .lyxpipe.in and .lyxpipe.out files do not exist when LyX is not running. (They are normally deleted when LyX quits, but if LyX crashes, they remain and prevent LyX from communicating with PDFView.) Their location can be found in LyX > Preferences > Paths.

In LyX > Preferences > File formats > PDF (pdflatex), enter "open -a PDFView.app $$i" (without quotes) in the viewer setting. *Then* you need to click the Modify button, and then Save.

Make sure that you include
in your preamble.

Then <Cmd>-click in PDFView should take you to the relevant place in the LyX document.

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